On June 30th, we will be hosting a special event to commemorate Canada's 150th birthday - right in the Sidney Harbour!
Join your local conservative colleagues to welcome Don Nightingale - BC's National Councillor on the Conservative Party of Canada. Don will be discussing our new leader Andrew Scheer, what the Ottawa scene is like, and how the party is targeting ridings like Saanich Gulf Islands to form a Conservative Government in 2019!
Our event starts at 8:00 pm, in the Pier Hotel on the Sidney Waterfront, room to be announced. Fireworks in the harbour will be launched at 10:15 pm.
Beverages, hors d'oeuvres, and a Canada 150 cake will be served. For Canada's birthday, we are asking for a donation of $150 to keep your Conservative Association strong as we work to defeat Elizabeth May and Justin Trudeau in 2019.
There is limited space - only 0 spots left! To reserve and confirm your spot, please RSVP now!